Monday 11 July 2011

Why a toadstool?

The environmental message should be clear, but why a toadstool I have been asked, as opposed to say, a mushroom?

Toadstools have more of a "foliage" quality to them. Like they are unwanted weeds waiting to be picked out. I think that adds to the deeper meaning of the show that my character would appear in -- the only one willing to save the environment is the one nobody wants, and what's worse is that nobody will ever know that he is willing to.

Furthermore, as I understand, toadstools are generally poisonous, and mushrooms are generally edible. I can't have a villain (and a hero) who are susceptible to getting picked and eaten while on the job.

I am no connoisseur of toadstools. Maybe some are poisonous and some aren't, and maybe some are edible and some aren't, but nevertheless, my villain would be a poisonous one. And if friendly, non-poisonous toadstools exist, then that's what the hero is.

The reasoning for a toadstool as my character is also aesthetic. I really like the way that it turned out that his cap would act as a makeshift conical hat and his twig as a makeshift samurai sword.

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