Sunday, 10 July 2011


For the purpose of this module, I am to choose one from a series of online briefs. Each brief is different, and where one challenges a student's ability, another challenges his creativity. 

For example, one brief from a clock-maker company requires us to create a tribute and celebration of "time" by means of depicting clocks on-screen. It doesn't matter what the clocks do, as long as the message is conveyed. That is a test of creativity.

Another requires us to celebrate the 20th anniversary of Sonic The Hedgehog -- something that only those who have familiarity with the Sonic series can pursue. The character, the scene, and the setting, are already set in stone. It's just a matter of creating a mash-up that addresses the Sonic theme. This can be done in any artistic way possible, and thus, is a challenge of ability.

The third brief, and this is the one that I have chosen, is a combination of ability and creativity: create a lead character suitable for a Disney show that would appeal to 4-14 year olds. I have never had the motivation to design characters of my own, so it is my hope that in pursuing this brief I will be able to increase my prospects and add character design/animation to my list of transferable skills.

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